Partners And Family Affected by Suicide

Every type of grief has the potential to cause intense and complex feelings, but people bereaved by suicide can have a particularly complex set of feelings and can experience additional struggles and dilemmas in trying to resolve their grief.

 It’s raw and intense and your emotions are all over the place – intense sadness, shock, anger, frustration, confusion and isolation.

 Some people have stated that they experience a sense of shame or guilt or helplessness.

The ‘what if’ and ‘if only’ thoughts can take over. Your head is spinning and you’re desperately trying to get a grip of yourself.

 What we must remember is our loved one was in so much pain and had lost control which was overwhelming for them. Their reasons for suicide are complex and you are not to blame.

What We Offer


Join our support group.


We can arrange bereavement counselling for you and those affected.


We run regular workshops for people who have been affected by suicide.

Jo’s Story


“Hello, I am just here to discuss my experiences with male suicide. Unfortunately, on two occasions, I have had to deal with this. Firstly, was a partner I used to live with. He committed suicide, several failed attempts. Firstly, he tried to gas himself out in his car and that didn’t work and secondly, he repeatedly stabbed himself in the stomach, in my hallway at our home, where he then got sectioned off into the Arundel unit.  And then thirdly, after that, he ended up with an overdose. It was a sort of terrible time. No-one really knows why he done it, it was just depression I think. If he had talked to people I think he could have got support. My brother in law hung himself, because he wrongly thought his wife was having an affair, but It turned out that she wasn’t and his kids got left behind and his mum was affected by it and it affects the people around you a lot. It is a destruction of the people left behind that have to pick up the pieces and I think if people just opened up and talked, they would realise that there is actually a lot of help out there and people would rather listen and try and support their problems than go to your funeral. You just got to try and seek help and not bottle things up, you know and don’t be afraid to reach out for help”

Jo's Story

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